Geraldton District Hospital, Building

Compliments and Complaints

Geraldton District Hospital values your feedback and continually strives to improve services provided.  If you have a complaint or a compliment please complete the applicable form below and email, fax, mail or deliver to the hospital.

Contact the Chief Executive Officer by phone at 807.854.4107 or by email at

Send a letter addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, 500 Hogarth Avenue, Geraldton, ON, P0T 1M0


Compliments related to the services provided by the Geraldton District Hospital will be documented and shared with the appropriate individual/service.


  • Any verbal compliment will be communicated to the manager of the service who in turn will share with the individual and/or service.
  • Any written compliment will be forwarded to the manager of the service and the Chief Executive Director will be notified.
  • The manager will send a letter of acknowledgement to the individual and/or the service mentioned.
  • Any letter of compliment related to the Medical Group will be forwarded to the Chief of Staff.

 Compliment Form (.PDF)


A complaint is defined as a statement of dissatisfaction with the care or service provided by the Geraldton District Hospital. All written complaints received from clients and their family members or friends will be investigated thoroughly and responded to in a timely manner. No action will be taken if a complaint is anonymous.


Any complaint is to be forwarded to the manager/director of the department where the incident occurred. Verbal complaints will be documented in writing and signed by the complainant to confirm the content.

The manager/director is responsible for the investigation, resolution and response of the complaint according to the following procedures:

  • send a letter to the person initiating the complaint to acknowledge receipt of the complaint and indicate that an investigation is being undertaken. This will be completed within 7 days of receiving the complaint.
  • investigate the complaint and document the findings of the investigation, corrective measures taken to prevent future occurrence, if possible.
  • inform the complainant of the outcomes and resolution of the complaint by mail within 21 days. If the resolution will exceed the 21-day limit, a phone call will be initiated to acknowledge that the investigation is ongoing.
  • complaints directed to the Chair of the Board or a member of the Board of Directors concerning services provided at the Hospital are forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer who will send the complaint to the manager/director of the department where the complaint occurred.
  • any complaints that are directed to medical staff, will be forwarded to the Director of Nursing who will send the written complaints to the Chief of Staff. The Director of Nursing will meet and discuss the complaint with the Chief of Staff who will investigate the complaint, meet and discuss the findings of the investigation with the Director of Nursing and provide a written response to the complainant.
  • if the complaint involves multiple issues across more than one department, the manager/director of the clinical service where the patient received care takes responsibility for coordinating the investigation, resolution and response to the complaint.
  • Other managers or directors may be requested to participate in the investigation and resolution.

Compliment Form (.PDF)